Sunday, February 7, 2016

LAD #31: Wilson's 14 Points

President Woodrow Wilson played a major role in negotiations and peace keeping both during and after the Great War. The United States emerged as the greatest world power and Wilson put out his 14 points plan. This plan helped to prevent further conflict and not destroy defeated countries. The points are summarized below.

1. Open covenants of peace
2. Provide freedom of navigation in the seas
3. Remove economic barriers and establish equality of trade
4. Reduce national armies
5. Adjust colonial claims
6. Evacuate Russian Territory to promote growth
7. Evacuate and restore Belgium
8. All French territory freed and restored
9. Readjustment of Italy's borders
10. Free opportunities to people of Austria-Hungary
11. Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro evacuated and restored
12. Protection for minorities in Turkey and free passage of ships in Dardanelles
13. Independence for Poland 
14. Form a League of Nations to avoid further conflict

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