Tuesday, September 8, 2015

LAD #2: Zenger Trial

1. Who was John Peter Zenger?
John Peter Zenger was an immigrant to New York City from Germany. In 1733, he began a publishing company to voice his opposition and criticize the policies of the New York governor, William Cosby.

2. What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense.
Zenger was arrested for libel, publishing a false statement that is damaging to someone's reputation. His lawyer for trial was Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton admitted that Zenger published offending stories about the governor, but since they were not false, he could not be charged for libel.

3. What influence did his case have on American governmental tradition?

This set the stage for the First Amendment, adopted in 1791, and included the freedom of the press. This allows people to publish and voice their opinions without having to go on trial or be arrested. If it is true it is not illegal. 

4. What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.

This trial proved very important to the future country that they were on the brinks of creating. In the United States of America we have the opportunity to speak our minds, voice our opinions, and even publish things, if they are true. In other countries, North Korea and Communist Russia to name a few, they regulate the press and news sources aren't free to speak out for their beliefs. 

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