Wednesday, September 23, 2015

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

The address begins with Washington thanking everyone for their support. He reveals that he won't be running for president for a third term, a decision that makes a 2 term presidential length the precedent until after FDR. He felt he had done enough for the country, and made the decision based on personal reasons, not political. He had some advice to leave with the people. He spoke about how unity must be held very dear to the Americans. It is the "main pillar...of your real independence." He also warned the people about the dangers of factions and political parties. He believed that they would distract the people and government from the more important matters. They would pit fellow Americans against each other and only cause unrest. Finally, he wished that his Proclamation of Neutrality, published 3 years earlier, continue. He wants the United States to remain neutral during other conflicts going on in Europe.

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