Saturday, January 9, 2016

LAD #22: McKinley's War Message

McKinley created this message for Congress in order to discuss the Cuban War with Spain on April 11th, 1898. The president states that the present efforts being put forth by the United States in this major war will not resolve anything. He continues on to explain that something different must be done, including suggestions of recognizing Cuban independence, recognizing the insurgents as belligerents, neutral intervention, and intervention have a side. Next, he explains why intervening in favor of Cuba is the best option for the United States at this time. McKinley mentions the Maine crisis, heavily implying that Spain is to blame. Finally, he asks Congress for help. He asks them to grant him permission to intervene, using military force is necessary. He says this will help to protect the trade, democracy, and safety of the United States and its people.

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