Saturday, January 9, 2016

LAD #24: Bryan's Cross of Gold Speech

The "Cross of Gold Speech" by William Jennings Bryan at the Democratic National Convention discussed the values of the Populist Party, specifically the value of bimetallism. Bimetallism is the concept that both gold and silver should be used as forms of United States currency. Bryan says that the Democratic party is not hostile towards Republicans, but he defends his platform agains the Republican idea that bimetallism would be an obstacle for their big businesses. He states that the Republicans believe bimetallism would be an obstacle for big business, but the Republicans have been an obstacle of the common man. Republicans also bashed the Democratic opposition to the national banks currency. Bryan accepts the reasoning on this, but further compares it to Andrew Jackson's conspiracy against the bank that supposedly "saved America." He goes on to compare himself to Thomas Jefferson in their common belief that money is a function of the government and not a responsibility of the bank to just print and distribute. He completed his statement of his position on the gold standard and combined both Democratic and Populist ideals.

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