Thursday, November 12, 2015

LAD #13: Calhoun

Calhoun begins his speech by touching on the causes of the current sectionalist issues. He begins with slavery, stating that it has caused great tensions and will ultimately result in the disunity of America if it isn't dealt with. Since the number of Northern states was increasing, there was an imbalance in the Senate. The government was engaged in maintaining a balance while it was destroying it as well. Calhoun continues on to claim that the North excluding the South from gaining as much land as them should be the primary concern of the current political factionalism. He also states that the tariff has been very undesirable to the Southern states. It has been used mainly to protect Northern manufacturers, not Southern farmers. Along with the increase in the Northern population, this has lead to the increase in sectional discontent. Calhoun explains that the Union will fall apart and resort to warfare if the South has to continually decide between abolition and secession. In order to resolve these issues, the North will have to compromise. These compromises include restoring the balance in the Senate, allowing the South to claim land, and accepting slavery. By conceding these three things, the South will be able to live "honorably and safely" in the Union. The speech concludes by Calhoun stating that the North must take these actions and allow the South to gain California, or it will be obvious that the North wishes the inferiority of the South. Finally, Calhoun concludes that he has done his duty by expressing his opinion and is now free of responsibility.

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