Friday, November 13, 2015

LAD #15: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

Lincoln presents his Gettysburg Address after the Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War. He states that the United States was founded on the idea of equality. He goes on to discuss the challenge the nation faces while being in the middle of the awful Civil War. He acknowledges all the soldiers who fought in the war, but specifically those who fought at Gettysburg. Lincoln states that what he says about the soldiers on that day is of little significance, but the actions and fighting that the soldiers did for our nation is of the utmost importance and bravery. Finally, he talks about how the United States cannot let the deaths of these soldiers go in vain, and that we must honor their sacrifices. If we do this, the Untied States will become a country of equality and freedom, exactly what it was founded upon.

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