Saturday, November 14, 2015

LAD #17: Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman"

Sojourner Truth begins her "Ain't I a Woman" speech by stating that those in the North will have many important decisions to make because of the issue of slavery in South and the increasing women's rights movements. She says that even though men insist that women help them, women don't receive any help from men. Truth states that her, and all other women, work just as hard as men. They eat just as much and get beaten the same, yet they receive none of the help or benefits that men receive. Truth moves on to say that the level of intelligence of an individual does not change their basic human rights, regardless of skin color of sex. She also argues with religious officials who interpret the bible by saying women are inferior just because Jesus is a man. Truth knows that Christ came from God and a woman, so man has nothing to do with Christ. Finally, Sojourner Truth states that if God can create a woman who can turn the world upside down, than the union of women should have the same right to do so, without the interference of men.

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